API Reference¶
The codebase is organized as follows:
├── datasets # store the manipulate datasets
├── docs # store the source files of the documentation
├── examples # some example scripts to get started
├── motion # store the keyframe motion data
├── results # store the results of the experiments
├── scripts # store the utility scripts
├── tests # store the test scripts
├── toddlerbot # the main codebase
│ ├── actuation # code for interacting with Dynamixel Motors
│ ├── algorithms # zero moment point planner
│ ├── brax # our fork of Google's Brax
│ ├── descriptions # URDF, MJCF, and config files for all the variations of Toddy
│ ├── locomotion # RL training code in MJX
│ ├── manipulation # diffusion policy
│ ├── policies # deployment code with run_policy.py as the runner and others as policy classes.
│ ├── reference # code to generate reference motion
│ ├── sensing # code to interact with the sensors
│ ├── sim # code for information exchange with MuJoCo and the real world sensors
│ ├── tools # zero_point calibration, keyframe editing, joystick teleoperation, system identification, sim2real evaluation, etc.
│ ├── utils # utility functions
│ └── visualization # visualization functions
The Docstrings are generated using ChatGPT and Sphinx. Please open an GitHub issue if you find any errors or have any suggestions.
- toddlerbot
- toddlerbot package
- Subpackages
- toddlerbot.actuation package
- toddlerbot.algorithms package
- toddlerbot.descriptions package
- toddlerbot.locomotion package
- toddlerbot.manipulation package
- toddlerbot.policies package
- toddlerbot.reference package
- toddlerbot.sensing package
- toddlerbot.sim package
- toddlerbot.tools package
- toddlerbot.utils package
- toddlerbot.visualization package
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- toddlerbot package