toddlerbot.locomotion package


toddlerbot.locomotion.mjx_config module

class toddlerbot.locomotion.mjx_config.MJXConfig

Bases: object

Configuration class for the MJX environment.

class ActionConfig(action_parts: List[str] = <factory>, action_scale: float = 0.25, filter_type: str = 'none', filter_order: int = 4, filter_cutoff: float = 10.0, contact_force_threshold: float = 1.0, n_steps_delay: int = 1, n_frames: int = 5, cycle_time: float = 0.72, waist_roll_max: float = 0.0)

Bases: object

action_parts: List[str]
action_scale: float = 0.25
contact_force_threshold: float = 1.0
cycle_time: float = 0.72
filter_cutoff: float = 10.0
filter_order: int = 4
filter_type: str = 'none'
n_frames: int = 5
n_steps_delay: int = 1
waist_roll_max: float = 0.0
class CommandsConfig(resample_time: float = 3.0, reset_time: float = 100.0, mean_reversion: float = 0.5, zero_chance: float = 0.2, turn_chance: float = 0.3, command_obs_indices: List[int] = <factory>, command_range: List[List[float]] = <factory>, deadzone: List[float] = <factory>)

Bases: object

command_obs_indices: List[int]
command_range: List[List[float]]
deadzone: List[float]
mean_reversion: float = 0.5
resample_time: float = 3.0
reset_time: float = 100.0
turn_chance: float = 0.3
zero_chance: float = 0.2
class DomainRandConfig(add_domain_rand: bool = True, friction_range: List[float] = <factory>, damping_range: List[float] = <factory>, armature_range: List[float] = <factory>, frictionloss_range: List[float] = <factory>, body_mass_range: List[float] = <factory>, ee_mass_range: List[float] = <factory>, other_mass_range: List[float] = <factory>, kp_range: List[float] = <factory>, kd_range: List[float] = <factory>, tau_max_range: List[float] = <factory>, q_dot_tau_max_range: List[float] = <factory>, q_dot_max_range: List[float] = <factory>, push_interval_s: int = 2, push_lin_vel: float = 0.5, push_ang_vel: float = 1.0)

Bases: object

add_domain_rand: bool = True
armature_range: List[float]
body_mass_range: List[float]
damping_range: List[float]
ee_mass_range: List[float]
friction_range: List[float]
frictionloss_range: List[float]
kd_range: List[float]
kp_range: List[float]
other_mass_range: List[float]
push_ang_vel: float = 1.0
push_interval_s: int = 2
push_lin_vel: float = 0.5
q_dot_max_range: List[float]
q_dot_tau_max_range: List[float]
tau_max_range: List[float]
class NoiseConfig(add_noise: bool = True, action_noise: float = 0.02, obs_noise_scale: float = 0.05, dof_pos: float = 1.0, dof_vel: float = 2.0, ang_vel: float = 5.0, euler: float = 2.0, backlash_scale: float = 0.02, backlash_activation: float = 0.1)

Bases: object

action_noise: float = 0.02
add_noise: bool = True
ang_vel: float = 5.0
backlash_activation: float = 0.1
backlash_scale: float = 0.02
dof_pos: float = 1.0
dof_vel: float = 2.0
euler: float = 2.0
obs_noise_scale: float = 0.05
class ObsConfig(frame_stack: int = 15, c_frame_stack: int = 15, num_single_obs: int = 83, num_single_privileged_obs: int = 126)

Bases: object

c_frame_stack: int = 15
frame_stack: int = 15
num_single_obs: int = 83
num_single_privileged_obs: int = 126
class ObsScales(lin_vel: float = 2.0, ang_vel: float = 1.0, dof_pos: float = 1.0, dof_vel: float = 0.05, euler: float = 1.0)

Bases: object

ang_vel: float = 1.0
dof_pos: float = 1.0
dof_vel: float = 0.05
euler: float = 1.0
lin_vel: float = 2.0
class RewardScales(torso_pos: float = 0.0, torso_quat: float = 0.0, torso_roll: float = 0.0, torso_pitch: float = 0.0, lin_vel_xy: float = 1.0, lin_vel_z: float = 1.0, ang_vel_xy: float = 1.0, ang_vel_z: float = 1.0, neck_motor_pos: float = 0.0, arm_motor_pos: float = 0.0, waist_motor_pos: float = 0.0, leg_motor_pos: float = 5.0, motor_torque: float = 0.01, energy: float = 0.01, neck_action_rate: float = 0.0, neck_action_acc: float = 0.0, arm_action_rate: float = 0.0, arm_action_acc: float = 0.0, waist_action_rate: float = 0.0, waist_action_acc: float = 0.0, leg_action_rate: float = 0.05, leg_action_acc: float = 0.05, feet_contact: float = 1.0, collision: float = 0.0, survival: float = 10.0, feet_air_time: float = 0.0, feet_distance: float = 0.0, feet_slip: float = 0.0, feet_clearance: float = 0.0, stand_still: float = 0.0, align_ground: float = 0.0)

Bases: object

align_ground: float = 0.0
ang_vel_xy: float = 1.0
ang_vel_z: float = 1.0
arm_action_acc: float = 0.0
arm_action_rate: float = 0.0
arm_motor_pos: float = 0.0
collision: float = 0.0
energy: float = 0.01
feet_air_time: float = 0.0
feet_clearance: float = 0.0
feet_contact: float = 1.0
feet_distance: float = 0.0
feet_slip: float = 0.0
leg_action_acc: float = 0.05
leg_action_rate: float = 0.05
leg_motor_pos: float = 5.0
lin_vel_xy: float = 1.0
lin_vel_z: float = 1.0
motor_torque: float = 0.01
neck_action_acc: float = 0.0
neck_action_rate: float = 0.0
neck_motor_pos: float = 0.0
stand_still: float = 0.0
survival: float = 10.0
torso_pitch: float = 0.0
torso_pos: float = 0.0
torso_quat: float = 0.0
torso_roll: float = 0.0
waist_action_acc: float = 0.0
waist_action_rate: float = 0.0
waist_motor_pos: float = 0.0
class RewardsConfig(healthy_z_range: List[float] = <factory>, tracking_sigma: float = 100.0, min_feet_y_dist: float = 0.05, max_feet_y_dist: float = 0.13, torso_roll_range: List[float] = <factory>, torso_pitch_range: List[float] = <factory>)

Bases: object

healthy_z_range: List[float]
max_feet_y_dist: float = 0.13
min_feet_y_dist: float = 0.05
torso_pitch_range: List[float]
torso_roll_range: List[float]
tracking_sigma: float = 100.0
class SimConfig(timestep: float = 0.004, solver: int = 2, iterations: int = 1, ls_iterations: int = 4)

Bases: object

iterations: int = 1
ls_iterations: int = 4
solver: int = 2
timestep: float = 0.004
toddlerbot.locomotion.mjx_config.get_env_config(env: str)

Retrieves and parses the configuration for a specified environment.


env (str) – The name of the environment for which to retrieve the configuration.


An instance of MJXConfig initialized with the parsed configuration.

Return type:



FileNotFoundError – If the configuration file for the specified environment does not exist.

toddlerbot.locomotion.mjx_env module

toddlerbot.locomotion.ppo_config module

class toddlerbot.locomotion.ppo_config.PPOConfig(policy_hidden_layer_sizes: Tuple[int, ...] = (512, 256, 128), value_hidden_layer_sizes: Tuple[int, ...] = (512, 256, 128), num_timesteps: int = 100000000, num_evals: int = 1000, episode_length: int = 1000, unroll_length: int = 20, num_updates_per_batch: int = 4, discounting: float = 0.97, learning_rate: float = 0.0001, decay_steps: int = 50000000, alpha: float = 0.1, entropy_cost: float = 0.0005, clipping_epsilon: float = 0.2, num_envs: int = 1024, render_interval: int = 50, batch_size: int = 256, num_minibatches: int = 4, seed: int = 0)

Bases: object

Data class for storing PPO hyperparameters.

alpha: float = 0.1
batch_size: int = 256
clipping_epsilon: float = 0.2
decay_steps: int = 50000000
discounting: float = 0.97
entropy_cost: float = 0.0005
episode_length: int = 1000
learning_rate: float = 0.0001
num_envs: int = 1024
num_evals: int = 1000
num_minibatches: int = 4
num_timesteps: int = 100000000
num_updates_per_batch: int = 4
policy_hidden_layer_sizes: Tuple[int, ...] = (512, 256, 128)
render_interval: int = 50
seed: int = 0
unroll_length: int = 20
value_hidden_layer_sizes: Tuple[int, ...] = (512, 256, 128)

toddlerbot.locomotion.train_mjx module

toddlerbot.locomotion.walk_env module

Module contents