
Before you begin, rest assured that building a humanoid from scratch is entirely feasible, even if you have little experience with robotics. In that case, you’ll learn a lot throughout the process! In fact, two CS majors have already successfully built ToddlerBot from scratch.

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable assembly session, we provide three types of resources to help you go through the process:

  1. Assembly Manual: A detailed step-by-step guide to help you through the assembly process.

  2. Assembly Video: The YouTube playlist has videos that walk you through the assembly process.

  3. Onshape: The online CAD document for your reference.

The recommended assembly order follows the sequence of the sections below.

Please make sure that you read the assembly manual carefully before start building. If you’re unsure about any step, refer to the assembly video or Onshape document for guidance.

Still get stuck after looking at all of these? Open a GitHub issue, and we’re here to help you!

Assembly Manual

Arm Assembly

Leg Assembly

Camera Cables

Speaker Cables

Head Assembly

Waist Assembly

Torso Assembly

ID the Motors


Power Board

Jetson Power Cables

Power Supply Cables

Standing Test

(Optional) Parallel Jaw Gripper