.. _sysID: System Identification (WIP) ============================ This section provides a comprehensive guide to perform system identification (SysID) for Dynamixel motors. Hardware Setup --------------------------------------------- You will need to purchase the sysID section in the :ref:`bill_of_materials`. For 3D-printed parts, you can find all the sliced plates in the `MakerWorld `_ and the CAD files in the `Onshape document `_. We use 21700 cells as loads to adjust the motor load weight. TODO: Add the image of the sysID setup. SysID Data Collection --------------------------------------------- TODO Set up Optuna Dashboard --------------------------------------------- To visualize the sysID optimization process, you need to install the following packages: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Linux :: sudo apt install libpq-dev postgresql sudo systemctl start postgresql .. group-tab:: Mac OSX (arm64) :: brew install postgresql brew services start postgresql Run PostgreSQL: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Linux :: sudo -u postgres psql .. group-tab:: Mac OSX (arm64) :: psql postgres Enter the following commands in the PostgreSQL prompt: :: CREATE DATABASE optuna_db; CREATE USER optuna_user WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE optuna_db TO optuna_user; Exit the PostgreSQL prompt. Run the Optuna dashboard: :: optuna-dashboard postgresql://optuna_user:password@localhost/optuna_db