.. _steam_deck: Steam Deck ========== Steam Deck is another option for remote control. It is a handheld-sized desktop computer that runs Arch Linux. Install VSCode -------------- Install VSCode from the built-in app store. However, VSCode shells don't work for us. We recommend directly using the terminals to run scripts. Unlock the Filesystem --------------------- By default, Steam Deck's filesystem is read-only. Follow the instructions `here `__ to unlock the filesystem. Access to USB Devices --------------------- Add the user to the ``uucp`` group by running the following command: :: sudo usermod -aG uucp $USER Access to the Joystick ---------------------- We find that Steam overrides the Joystick access. Therefore, to access the joystick device from Python, you need to make sure to **shut down Steam** before running the scripts. Test the Joystick by running this script: :: python tests/test_joystick.py NTP Server ----------------------------- For the accuracy of teleoperation and logging over network, we need to install NTP package to sync time of Jetson to Steam Deck. Run the following commands to set it up: :: sudo pacman -S ntp sudo systemctl enable ntp nano /etc/ntp.conf add: restrict mask nomodify notrap sudo systemctl start ntp